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Private Lessons are one hour each and may be shared by up to 3 total athletes. They are designed for the individual needs of the student(s) without waiting for the rest of the class. Private Lessons are the most hands on training you can get! They produce faster results than classes and can focus on a variety of areas:


  1. Flexibility

  2. Strength

  3. Tumbling

  4. Dance Acro

  5. Turns / Extensions

  6. Solo Clean-up



  • The studio is on a wait list for Private Lessons. Click "Contact" above to put your name and availability on the wait list.

  • Private Lessons can be paid for individually “as-you-go” or purchased in packages of 5 or 10 lessons at a discounted rate.

  • Private Lessons are a commitment. Results take time! After securing a private lesson, it is expected of you to show up each week in the same time slot. Absences are permitted - let your instructor know ahead of time so we can fill your slot that week with someone from the waiting list.

  • You WILL be charged for “no call-no show” lessons/last minute cancellations. Please be sure your instructor knows at least 24 hours ahead of time that you will be absent so you are not charged.


Available time slots are limited. Click "CONTACT" above to request your spot!

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